MAY I offer my apologies to those who find the debate tiresome but I will ask them to consider this. If someone publicly and unfairly attacked something they deeply cared about, would they defend it?

I challenged Terry Banfield a dozen or so years ago when he wrote a vicious and unjust attack on Christians and Christian morality. I know that there are those who feel that I have spoken for them.

At one time I considered a public debate with Mr Banfield, venue provided free by me. A lady happened to write in telling us how he behaved at a public meeting by shouting and storming out. So that was that, but I have to say that with the theologians and scientists that would have been there, he would not have had a happy time and I, as a Christian would not have enjoyed his embarrassment.

Again, sincere apologies with many thanks to the editor.

Tom McCarthy, Gaer Park Parade, Newport