JUST When you thought things couldn’t get any worse, a new report highlights the fact that the value of UK workers’ wages has seen one of the biggest falls in the EU. House of Commons library figures confirm a 5.5 per cent reduction in average hourly wages since mid-2010.

When adjusted for inflation, British workers have seen their wages squeezed more than those in countries hit by the euro zone crisis. In the same period Spanish workers’ wages dropped by 3.3 per cent and in Cyprus salaries fell by 3 per cent in real terms, while they rose by 2.7 per cent in Germany and 0.4 per cent in France.

Mr Cameron has now overseen 35 consecutive months of falling real wages, more than any other prime minister on record, and spending power has declined in every month but one under coalition rule as price rises outstrip wage increases, most of us are saying recovery, what recovery?

Cllr Nigel Dix, Montclaire Avenue, Blackwood