THE Reverend Geoffrey Waggett of Ebbw Vale is pleased the Circuit of Wales project Ebbw Vale has been given the go ahead Is this the same Rev Waggett who to my knowledge has never had a good word to say about the Labour party? Not even today when our Labour governing body in Cardiff Bay and council chamber Ebbw Vale did their very best to bring the Circuit of Wales project to the hard pressed work hungry people of Blaenau Gwent without delay.

In the past Rev Waggett and I have through the media crossed swords on many occasions Before Labour lost Ebbw Vale to independents Rev Waggett an ex-vice-chairman of the newly formed Peoples Voice was forever finding fault with the Labour governing council, on one occasion he said they were like a number of nodding donkeys When he thought our Welsh Assembly was responsible for delaying the circuit project he didn’t speak to kindly of first minister Carwyn Jones Good bye for now Rev Waggett, with the bread of understanding shall she feed him, and give him the water of wisdom to drink.

E Legge, Cwm Celyn, Blaina