Why believe?

THIS is getting tiresome and Terry Banfield is so predictable.

Whenever he is losing an argument against myself or another, he refuses to answer questions or ignores what has been said, becomes abusive and starts his letters with trite phrases such as ‘Tut tut, Yabadabadoo, My my, and Forsooth’.

I have a niece who is a senior lecturer in psychology. I must ask her about this.

In 2008 the environmental scientist Dr John Hellawell, Bsc, PhD, CbioI, FSB, CWEM, MCWEM, lectured in Newport on what he called ‘The Darwin Delusion’ during which he exposed some flaws in the theory.

Dr Hellawell is also a brilliant Bible scholar.

Can Terry Banfield tell us why Dr Hellawell and other scientists who are up to date with science, believe in the ‘mythical’ God of the Bible? Answer please.

Tom McCarthy Gaer Park Parade Newport