IS David Cameron, now leader of the gay lobby? After his meeting with Stephen Fry, the homosexual activist and comedian, the two were invited to meet by Evgeny Lebedev, the owner of the pro-homosexual London Evening Standard newspaper, at a London pub owned jointly by Lebedev and Sir Ian McKellen, the homosexual activist and actor. The purpose, to discuss Russia’s homosexual laws.

David Cameron pub meeting suggests that he’s plenty of spare time on his hands, and that he is now an actual leader of the homosexual lobby, and that he prefers the company of his party’s left-wing opponents to its traditional supporters. One suspects that Mr Cameron is privately pleased that huge numbers of pro-family Tories are fleeing from the Conservative Party. All prime ministers are desperate to leave their mark on history, and Mr Cameron is delighted to leave the destruction of true marriage as his legacy. The cost, of course, will be paid by future generations, especially children both born and unborn.

Norman Plaisted, Vivian Road, Newport