I AM writing today to let you know about a fantastic drama production that I was fortunate to go and see last week. It was based on Oliver Twist and was performed by the Dolman Theatre Works at the Dolman Theatre. These young people put on such a memorable performance that would be fitting of a West End production.

It was obvious to all that these youngsters had been practising and perfecting accents for a very long time which showed on the night. Although each and every one of these stars were amazing there were three stand-out performances of the evening, these being Liam Weston who played Fagin, Lily Stublet-Adje who played Nancy and Matthew Beatty who played Oliver. Watch out for these three as they are the stars of the future, they kept their accents throughout and did not falter throughout the whole performance.

Well done to each and every one of you, you must be a great credit to your drama teachers and your families must be so proud.

Can’t wait for your next production.

Miss F Leag Newport