WHEN, oh, when are the people of Wales going to sit up and realise Devolution, and the Labour party in particular, have been a complete disaster for us. We have the lowest education standards in the UK, and rank very low compared to other countries in the world. We have the poorest Health service, with the longest waiting times in the UK. We have the highest levels of obesity, adults and children, in western Europe. We have the highest levels of poverty in western Europe, and the poorest areas economically, especially in Blaenau Gwent. We have extremely poor rail and road services, and even now have no main motorway or dual carriageway between North and South Wales, nor East and West Mid Wales. We have the highest levels of unemployment in the UK.

The list goes on and on, and we are moving rapidly down the ladder to becoming a Third World country. So I say to the people of Wales lets not put up with this any longer, let’s have another referendum, this time with a true and honest result. Let’s ship Carwyn Jones and his inept cabinet out of office as quickly as we can.

The facts are there to see, week in and week out, Devolution in Wales has been a total disaster and the quicker we accept that and do something about it, the better for everybody.

D. J. Pritchard.

Rowan Way, Newport