I AM trying to understand what has happened to the great nations of the UK.

The SWA reminded us last week of Holocaust day which invited us to remember all the poor souls who were killed by a government which had no thought of their consequences. Unfortunately our government is doing the same but to a lesser extent.

Wasn’t it wonderful to see the many pictures of art? Newbridge Hallelujah Lamppost a great art but by putting low bollards on the pavement they are a danger for the disabled – blind.

There is a situation of a blind gentleman who has the need of a guide dog because there could be a problem with the dog potentially picking something up causing it injury, the dog could be removed from him making him totally blind. The councillors of the area should be made fully aware that it is their responsibility to ensure the area is fit for purpose.

There are many volunteers throughout the UK who do many things without financial reward. Maybe the local councillors would like to volunteer some of their time to ensure safety for all.

David Evans Cleveland Drive Risca