I WAS deeply saddened to read your article (May 24) about Lucky the 16-year-old terrier who, while out walking on a lead, became subjected to such a brutal and fatal attack by two dogs off their leads. The story evoked vivid memories for me, having experienced a similar situation. Fortunately, my dog only required minor attention from the vet. Quick intervention on my part at the time of the attack probably saved my dog from fatal injury. I reported the incident to the police who swiftly applied the appropriate measures to the owner and dog in question. The authorities will ensure that offending dog owners who allow their dogs to be dangerously out of control in a public place face criminal action by the police. Unfortunately, until the book of “Dog Walking for Dummies” is written, our pets will have to rely on the general public to be ever vigilant and cautious of dogs off lead.

Paul Hellings,
Newport Road,