WHAT is truth, I ask? AS NO political party in Britain is likely to embrace the teachings of the Gospels as a model or framework for policy and aspiration, Christians will find not find a party that encapsulates even most of their beliefs and principles.
A good place to start for politicians and their political parties is to emulate Christian values and tell the truth at all times. But as we know there are different versions of truth that exist for a powerful lobby of people (particularly for those with a privileged voice through the media). Human rights include the right to abortion, the right to have recognised same-sex marriage, the right to have a baby regardless of methods used; the consequences - one parent or two three or to two members of the same sex. Christians are aware of the discrepancies, inconsistencies and limitations of politics and in modern Britain sometimes, the blatant opposition on the part of what appears to be an increasing number of politicians and political parties to Christian virtues and values. Humanity has been created with an invitation from Christ and has been given freedom of choice to do right or wrong with all their resultant consequences, including building or destroying society. For Christians and our elected government, politics can be but one of life’s instruments and means to act with justice, to love tenderly, to serve one another and to walk humbly with God.

Norman Plaisted,
Vivian Road,