WITH holiday season in full swing many of the nearly 38,000 people living with diabetes in South East Wales will be looking forward to a well-deserved break in the sunshine or planning a long weekend away. If you or your child has diabetes the condition will be going on your holiday with you, but there’s no reason for it to slow anyone down provided you do some advance preparation. Before you get your sunglasses and sandals check out our useful travel advice at diabetes.org.uk/travel including handy tips about carrying a letter from your doctor, packing extra medication and splitting supplies into separate bags. Other suggestions include taking a letter from your diabetes team which explains your condition when you check in to an airport. There is also detailed information about how to plan ahead to avoid any issues with airports and airlines if you are taking an insulin pump or continuous glucose monitor with you. For people living with Type 2 diabetes, Diabetes UK’s online e-learning programme, Type 2 Diabetes and Me, includes a whole section about how to manage your condition while on holiday. This resource can be accessed for free at type2dia betesandme.co.uk. For more information and advice you can also call Diabetes UK’s Careline on 0345 123 2399. In the meantime, I’d like to wish everyone a safe journey and a wonderful holiday.

Dai Williams
Director of Diabetes UK Cymru