Blight today moves to allay growing fears of a player exodus at Spytty Park.

Yesterday the Argus reported that several players were opening negotiations with other clubs after Blight did not attend a meeting scheduled for Thursday evening.

However, today the chairman clarified his position and once again urged his players to be patient.

He explained: "I am very unhappy with the way in which the meeting was reported in the Argus.

"Due to my commitments with the local election I was not able to attend, but director Stewart Williams was there.

"There are lots of reasons why I couldn't attend but I have already spoken to quite a few of the players.

"It is not correct for things to be stoked up in the manner they have, Scott Young was at the meeting and he didn't think it necessary for the board to speak with every player.

"I would hate for this level of criticism to destroy the enthusiasm of the directors, there are ten members of the board, not just me.

"I can't give players assurances until we sort out the situation with the manager.

"But we supported the players for 38 weeks in the season and hopefully they will now support us for a few weeks."

Director Williams, who did meet with the players, admits he was surprised to hear of the growing level of discontent among the players.

"There was no whinging or whining at the meeting, the players seemed to be fine considering their disappointment at Peter Beadle leaving," he said.

"Of course there is a risk of us losing players, but even if Peter Beadle was at the club that would still be the case.

"In no way was it our intention for the players to feel like the chairman was snubbing them, I personally spoke with Steve Jenkins and Damon Searle and our message to the players is to be patient.

"Hopefully in ten days or so we'll be closer to an appointment and will be clearer on next season."