WELL, I went to our away match at Ipswich still pretty sore and stiff after that tangle with team-mate Justin Sedgmen at Newport the previous Saturday but put those niggles to the back of my mind.

In the end it was an interesting performance by a depleted Newport team with Kyle Legault missing after his operation on a serious finger injury and Robin Aspegren committed to a fixture in his native Sweden.

Ipswich have hammered full sides this season but we came within eight points and if Jason Doyle had not been excluded in heat 13 after Chris Schramm rode him out but got the verdict from the referee then it would have been even closer.

It indicates what a good team we really are.

Justin was again the top scorer while Jason finished on ten points despite his disqualification in that 13th heat.

If you go away with a full team and lose heavily then you don’t feel great but although we did lose over in Suffolk it did not feel that disappointing.

So we were well up for it on the Saturday but the weather intervened to postpone the fixture against the Plymouth Devils.

One plus is that it has given me extra time to recover to face a much-improved Glasgow team this evening.

The Scottish side convinced Joe Screen to ride in the Premier League after a long and distinguished career and he is a class act who will perform well anywhere.

I rate young Nick Morris at reserve while I saw a lot of rising Aussie Josh Grajczonek when I was doubling-up with Belle Vue last season.

He has a good style but is a natural racer. It is going to be tough so a good match is in store for the fans.